Saturday 25 April 2020

Liberating Quarantine

Ah! This quarantine!
Slips your mood to a decline;
Takes you far away from the goals you destined.
Ah! This quarantine!
But I'll tell you a thing so sublime;
Consider this as an opportunity of a lifetime;
Hear me out because this advice is worth a dime;
Bring into your life heaps of sunshine;
Open your hearts and celebrate each day like it's Christmas time;
Spread love, oh you soul so pristine!
Turn your back on all the slime;
Keep your priorities prime;
And capture in your fist the world so divine.

Monday 16 March 2020

Real Utopia.

One friend said to other ," I will create a Utopia where there will be lack of insomnia,
More of laughter and cheers,
So my darling shelter no fears.
You will be detached from all your pain,
A visit here will not go in vain!"

To which the other replied," Oh brother dear, there is no coin without two sides,
Why to let our feelings slide?
Pain comes with gain,
Cheers come with tears,
There is no need to fear.
Only when you experience the yin with the yang,
You can say you have lived your life with a bang!

Saturday 1 February 2020


Everything fades,
And then it's just like hell of hades.
It all goes away in a poof of smoke,
Seems just like from a dream you awoke!
People come but they go,
Just like the winds that flow.
What was the point of being pretentious?
All it did was make a hole in your conscience.
Saying these words out loud may make you think I am eccentric,
I plead you to judge me like a maverick.
These words, dear, they come from what the eyes see and what the heart feels,
Do not mistaken it for my Achilles heel.
Love me or hate me it's your choice,
Here I am just giving my musings a voice.