Tuesday 16 April 2019

Algorithm of Friendship

    Today I got a link from my friend. Curious as to what it was I opened it and it was some kind of quiz which would determine how best I know my friend. The quiz contained a series of questions ranging from her favorites to more intimate ones. To be honest, I barely passed the test. (To be honest I got her favorites right. I am not that horrible friend!). The result of the test resulted in her being pissed off at me.
     You would think, "What a crappy friend she is, who can't even pass a single quiz!" But I think a bit differently. The quiz and the communication that occurred later with my friend made me wonder, "Have our standards of measuring friendship really stooped down to this level?" "Are those mere scores really the measure of the love two friends share?"

      Back in the old days when there was no internet or any other modern day technology, people used to value friendship based on mutual trust, understanding and respect. A person was said to be a true friend if he stood alongside the person during his/her times of need. As the classic saying goes,"A friend in need is a friend indeed!". They did not calculate scores in order to judge the depth of their friendship.

      There is no predefined process as such to form friendship with people. You just meet the person and you both click. Sometimes a person you may know for 2 days might even be a good friend for you than the person you might be knowing since the past 2 years. You talk, get to know one another, develop common grounds, have fun times together, exchange ideas and opinions and, lo and behold, a friendship blossoms! No algorithms needed. It is that simple an equation. We should just quit the quizzes and make friendship the old school way.


  1. Amazing mia!😍...u r truly an old school frnd 😘

  2. Mia thats amazing !! ���� Keep writing girl!! ��

  3. I'm so glad you took to blogging. This is short and crisp. Loved it. ❤️

  4. Great buddy! Waiting for some other blogs

  5. Will not disappoint you😋

  6. Keep it up babe and all the best❤

  7. Ohhoo Mia I hope the young generations read this message of yours and understand the real meaning of what friendship is!All the bestt for the long..... long journey ahead waiting for you❤🍻btw
    cheers to our friendship🍻

  8. Amazing article❤
    Look forward to reading more of your stuff.
