Wednesday 12 May 2021


    Ah! This question. It feels like the simplest question to answer, doesn't it? But when you start to truly think about it, it becomes frustrating to find a meaningful answer to this question.

    When I was posed with this question, I thought very deeply, a nagging thought in my brain kept bothering me, asking me ," Do I really feel that I belong where I am right now?" I have never honestly felt like I belong anywhere, always felt like an outsider in this world... an outsider always looking in... feeling like I never really fit in... a misfit if you really feel the need to label it.

    Also, I just want to put it out there that I am not a recluse. If you don't know me you'll feel like I am living the dream. Good grades, good family, perfect friends, a roof under my head, meals provided for when hunger strikes. Yet why do I feel so alone and unhappy? Why do I feel like there is someplace else that I wanna be, it is calling me right now, I swear I can hear it but I don't know where to go. It's like I have the map with the directions on it but there is no destination and I am just running blindly.

    Then I realised the essence of this question. It is not talking about a geographical area. I realised that there is no specific material place that I should be belonging to. The place that I belong to is the place I feel happiest at the moment. It can be any place. You don't need to limit yourself to a few square footage. You need to find those spots in your life where you feel happy, safe, accepted and loved.

    It can be a shade under a specific tree that you love, your favourite table at the canteen, your favourite corner of the library, your bedroom, your regular hangout spot with your friends, your mother's lap, arms of your lover. My place can be you and I can be yours. The ultimate purpose of that place is to help you derive utmost happiness. After all, 'Home is where the Heart is!'💜